نشرت هذه المقاله سنه 1950 فى جريده اخر ساعه تحت عنوان دين البهائيه يدعو للسلام وفيها ملخص عن التعاليم البهائيه

كاتب هذه المقاله هو الاستاذ احمد زين العابدين وفى خاتمه المقاله يقول هذه هى البهائيه دين جديد يدعو الى السلام ويقول البهائيون ان بهاء الله هو رسول الله فى الارض وان هناك علامات على ظهوره فى التوراه والانجيل والقران
لقد بلغ اتباع الدين البهائى خمسه ملايين شخص فى جميع انحاء العالم

This article was published in "Last Hour" an Egyptian magazine dated August 9, 1950 under the name "The Baha'i Faith call for Peace" there is a brief introduction about the Baha'i Faith, Picture of the Baha'i Center in Cairo, and a picture of Abdul Baha.
The writer name is Ahmed Zen Alabdin. he mentioned that "the Baha'i Faith is a new Religion preach for Peace. Bahá’u’lláh is the Founder of the Baha'i Faith. There are signs in all the previous Religions books about the Baha'i Faith. He mentioned also that the are five million Baha’is all over the world.
مقاله جميله شكرا
I kept this magazine from my Father after he passed away; he loves to keep documents about the Baha'i Faith. I am trying to be like him he was my best teacher.
God bless him.
اخذت هذه المجله من والدى بعد وفاته رحمه الله عليه كان نعمه القدوه والتفانى فى الخدمه
وكان معلمى المثالى الله يرحمه
What happen to the Baha'i Center in the Picture? Is it in Cairo? Is it still there or the Egyptian Government destroyed it?
The Baha'i Center in Cairo were turned into an Islamic Center by the Egyptian Government order.
Bahá'í institutions and community activities are currently banned by Law 263, this law came into being in 1960 seven years after the founding of the Arab Republic of Egypt, at the decree of President Gamal Abdel Nasser. All Bahá'í community properties, including Bahá'í centers, libraries, and cemeteries, were confiscated by the Egyptian Government.
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